Editorial: Indiana needs to reduce its dependency on coal

Editorial: Indiana needs to reduce its dependency on coal

It was a reprieve, not a pardon. That’s how Indiana leaders should view the U.S. Supreme Court’s rebuke of the Environmental Protection Agency’s … …read more

Via: <a href=https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/2015/07/03/editorial-indiana-needs-reduce-dependency-coal/29665239/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDhiYzc1MzQ5ZWY1Yjc4MmE6Y29tOmVuOlVTOlI&usg=AFQjCNHvHAp_5VY2rcPkHSUk404hfx9ZGw class="colorbox" title="Editorial: Indiana needs to reduce its dependency on coal” >https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/2015/07/03/editorial-indiana-needs-reduce-dependency-coal/29665239/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDhiYzc1MzQ5ZWY1Yjc4MmE6Y29tOmVuOlVTOlI&usg=AFQjCNHvHAp_5VY2rcPkHSUk404hfx9ZGw

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