Heavy rains continue to crush Indiana crops
The Indiana Farm Service Agency will be looking at numbers this coming weekend and its emergency board will meet next week to determine if it will … …read more
Via: <a href=https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/heavy-rains-continue-to-crush-indiana-crops&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDhiYzc1MzQ5ZWY1Yjc4MmE6Y29tOmVuOlVTOlI&usg=AFQjCNGvese9zs1BAmZi-6RulV0VmsJ8kA class="colorbox" title="Heavy rains continue to crush Indiana crops” >https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/heavy-rains-continue-to-crush-indiana-crops&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDhiYzc1MzQ5ZWY1Yjc4MmE6Y29tOmVuOlVTOlI&usg=AFQjCNGvese9zs1BAmZi-6RulV0VmsJ8kA
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