Indiana Democratic Party 8-15-14 Weekly Readio Address

Indiana Democratic Party 8-15-14 Weekly Readio Address

Indiana Democratic Chair JohnZody Indiana’s questions why Gov. Mike Pence and the Indiana GOP want to put Indiana’s coveted reputations – “Hoosier Hospitality” and “Crossroads of America” in jeopardy.



  • This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.
  • In just a few years, Statehouse Republicans have managed to put Indiana’s coveted reputations – “Hoosier Hospitality” and “Crossroads of America” in jeopardy. 
  • This week, the Pence Administration had the opportunity to relieve concerns about Indiana’s crumbling infrastructure, but all it did was kick the can down the road by giving a lot of “maybes”.
  • Hardworking Hoosiers don’t want to hear “maybe”, and they can’t afford to wait until 2016 for possible short-term investments or for 2017 for a long-term solution – they want solutions right now.
  • These preventable problems have caused headaches for travelers and have disrupted the Hoosier economy.
  • With the I-65 Bridge in Lafayette closed until mid-September, Indiana is witnessing firsthand what happens when Statehouse Republicans ignore the problems of today.
  • Instead, Republican leadership at the Statehouse will just keep holding Indiana back from its full potential while maintaining a rigid focus on what best fits with an out of touch ideology and special interests. 
  • Also, it took at least two months and a lawsuit against the state for the governor to address the spike in child abuse and neglect cases within the Indiana Department of Child Services.
  • With this severe uptick in caseloads and the extreme burden case workers have to bear, it’s encouraging that Gov. Pence finally caught up and is addressing the epidemic hurting our Hoosier children.
  • But how many times does the Administration have to be late to the game on solving today’s pressing problems for the Hoosier middle class?
  • Last session, Indiana Democrats were leaders on the issue as they advocated and secured the initial $7.5 million needed to hire the first 100 caseworkers that were needed to address this epidemic.
  • The bottom line is that Hoosier families need to feel assured that it shouldn’t take a public relations crisis to get the Pence Administration to act.
  • And finally, a court announced this week that Indiana House Republicans need not abide by the state’s Public Records Act, thereby raising concern about what happens behind closed doors at the Statehouse.
  • Hoosiers should feel assured their lawmakers are abiding by state laws and are working to solve today’s problems.
  • But questions remain about why Statehouse Republicans are so reluctant to be transparent with the state of Indiana and its taxpayers.
  • And while it is important to protect personal information of all Hoosiers, commonsense and transparency need to come back to the Statehouse.
  • Whether it is fighting for investments in our state’s infrastructure, protecting our children who are most vulnerable, or advocating for full transparency in Indianapolis, Democrats will lead the charge to send Indiana in a new direction for the future.
  • We must continue to bring some commonsense to the table so we can help unite Indiana and solve today’s problems for the hardworking Hoosier family.
  • It is only by doing this that we can truly do better for Hoosiers and help the state reach its full potential.
  • Thank you for listening.


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