Indiana State Fair starts 17-day run Friday

Indiana State Fair starts 17-day run Friday

Crossing the line separating Indiana and Illinois sometimes means dealing with different laws and customs. Readers are asked to share ideas fo… …read more

Via: <a href=–day-run-friday/article_6fd633d6-abf2-5cc6-b7a5-a32ff3f965c8.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDhiYzc1MzQ5ZWY1Yjc4MmE6Y29tOmVuOlVTOlI&usg=AFQjCNGuaHP2V-iy8zy1Va6AF6rsYjeczg class="colorbox" title="Indiana State Fair starts 17-day run Friday” >–day-run-friday/article_6fd633d6-abf2-5cc6-b7a5-a32ff3f965c8.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDhiYzc1MzQ5ZWY1Yjc4MmE6Y29tOmVuOlVTOlI&usg=AFQjCNGuaHP2V-iy8zy1Va6AF6rsYjeczg

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