Charlie White Show – September 30, 2015
September 30, 2015 – On this very show, Charlie White warned everyone last November that #StudJud McMillin would not be able to behave himself once he got more power. Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma’s wingman and chief enabler, Republican Floor Leader Rep. #StudJud McMillin, resigns over his starring in a sex video on his phone and strange messages sent by his cell phone #StudJud “lost control of”. Since McMillin is resigning over his “extracurricular activities”, why doesn’t Bosma stop being a hypocrite and “step-aside” for the good of his state, his family and his grand ol’ party which has been hijacked by alleged “Uber-Christians” like Gov. Mike Pence. The former “Godfather” Governor, Mitch Daniels, will need to start answering for his asphalt on roads which will crumble 10 years ahead of schedule. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals helps authorities save dogs from dog-fighting operations in North Carolina. Officer Manning of the Indiana State Police insults a good lady “The Indiana Way” on a traffic stop and wrongly accused her of using Meth.
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