Howey Politics: Internal Campaign Data Shows Governor Pence “In the Low 30s”
NDIANAPOLIS – Governor Pence’s overall approval by Hoosiers appears to be getting worse as internal numbers by the Pence Campaign show the governor “in the low 30s”, according a Howey Politics Indiana report.
“The abysmally low approval numbers reportedly coming from the Pence campaign’s own polling data should come as no surprise because time and again, Governor Pence has placed his ideology ahead of the overall well-being of everyday Hoosiers,” said John Zody, Chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party. “In just one term, he has managed to place Indiana’s coveted reputations – ‘Hoosier Hospitality’ and ‘Crossroads of America’ in jeopardy, and now Hoosiers are fed up and want someone better. And they’re right – Indiana deserves to have a governor who will solve problems for Hoosiers and help our state reach its full potential. This person is not Mike Pence.”
On the cusp of Governor Pence’s reelection announcement in June, a Bellwhether Research Poll also showed Gov. Pence in hot water, carrying a 46% approval rating with 54% of Hoosiers wanting a new governor all together.
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