Mike Could’ve Been Speaker, May Have To Settle for One-Term Governor
Speaker Boehner’s decision to step down as Speaker and the subsequent cluster-f*ck that is now taking place as the tea party crazies try to take over has to be leaving Mike Pence asking, “What could have been?” Follow me here! Mike Pence was the number three crazy…errr….person in the House when he quit to run for Governor of Indiana. If Mike stayed in the House, there is a good possibility he would be in line right now to be Speaker.
At the time, Mike felt if he could do two years as Governor of Indiana and then run for President. Unfortunately for Mike, he screwed up his two years as Governor sad bad, not only did he ruin his chances of ever being POTUS, there is a distinct possibility he may be introduced on Fox News in January of 2017 as the former one-term governor of Indiana.
So as the circus that is the Republican Party continues to unfold before us, Mike Pence has to be asking himself, “What could have been?”
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