Charlie White Show 1/28/16 Podcast

Charlie White Show 1/28/16 Podcast

The Indiana House of Representatives passed a bill making it more difficult for the public to obtain videos from police body cameras.  The very technology touted to give people more assurance that law enforcement will not abuse our rights and attempt to hide behind their “discretion” or their “limited immunity” will be able to seek more legal comfort to potentially hide their bad acts against citizens.  In Colorado, a city settles out of court for over $225k because one of their police officers wet their pants and shot a family dog five times after shooting it with a stun gun.  American corporations are merging with companies in Ireland to avoid taxes after they have been bailed out with U.S. taxpayers dollars. Some NJ police roam the streets looking to warn kids making money shoveling snow they need to obtain a $450 city permit.  The FBI are in Martinsville, Indiana conducting a search of property formerly occupied by a serial “flasher”.  When will the FBI go down the street and investigate the 277 day coverup and persecution of a whistleblower by Morgan County Prosecutor Sonnega, former Martinsville Mayor Phil Deckard and others regarding former H.S. basketball coach Wolf having sex with a student in John R. Wooden gymnasium at Martinsville H.S.?

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