Charlie White 2-1-2016 Podcast
Rep. David Wolkins mocks Jim Nabors & urges folks to cancel Indiana Chamber memberships because of their support of gay rights. Although the City of Los Angelos and the LAPD settle out of court, the District Attorney announces he would not charge eight LA police officers for firing at two women delivering newspapers 100 times in a case of mistaken identity. David Wolkins introduced legislation to tie Indiana’s hands on protecting the environment while most of his gifts come from the utility, energy, waste management and transportation industry. Since alleged “Christian” self-promoter and “Tea Party Empress” Monica Boyer enjoys giving lectures about the Almighty and Satan, Charlie White has challenged her and her friend David Wolkins to a debate on videotape at their church, tea party or GOP meeting where he will present exhibits, depositions and law (yikes! not law, this is Indiana?!) and ask why they will not demand Pence return contributions from people who defraud banks, demand swift action against officials who cover-up High School sex-crimes as well as how many gifts can Wolkins receive until it fails the “smell test”. Since Monica Boyer inserts God into everything, Charlie White feels that it appropriate to ask “What Would Jesus Do?” in the above situations.
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