Indiana Democratic Party 2-20-16 Weekly Radio Address Podcast
Chairman John Zody and the Indiana Democratic Party’s weekly radio address: “An Associated Press report found this week that the Mike Pence Administration manipulated what was supposed to be an “independent” review of the ISTEP test, showing politics at its worst.”
This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.
• An Associated Press report found this week that the Mike Pence Administration manipulated what was supposed to be an “independent” review of the ISTEP test, showing politics at its worst.
• Governor Pence knew the state wasn’t ready for the new ISTEP, which he pushed for to fit his own political agenda.
• So what does Mike Pence do to cover his tracks? He directs his appointees to manipulate a review that was originally meant to be done independently from the State of Indiana.
• Mike Pence is now literally trying to do anything to save his election chances this fall.
• Hoosiers, our teachers, and our schools, however, are tired of Pence’s out-of-touch ideology crippling our state.
• Hoosiers need a governor who can work with Glenda Ritz – who foresaw and predicted this problem from the beginning – and who can help lead Indiana education into the future.
• That person is John Gregg.
• Also, the Indiana Democratic Party announced last week its formal endorsement of Baron Hill for U.S. Senate and Lynn Coleman and Angela Demaree for Indiana’s Second and Fifth Congressional Districts.
• These candidates have made big impressions with the Indiana Democratic Party.
• All of them share their passion to bring a commonsense vision that would improve the lives of all Hoosiers while they serve us in Washington.
• Baron, Lynn, and Angela won’t be like their out-of-touch Republican opponents who have thrust their ideology ahead of the well being of Hoosiers.
• There is no doubt that each will have much to offer Indiana as they help unite and lead all Hoosiers into the future.
Yesterday the Indiana Election Commission voted to have Congressman Todd Young remain on the U.S. Senate primary ballot after a 2-2 split vote.
• Yesterday’s hearing showed two things – Todd Young thinks he’s above the law and it’s always someone else’s fault.
• After numerous counts by the IDP, independent media sources and others, it was clear Todd Young ignored the law set by the State of Indiana, did not meet the threshold requiring at least 500 certified signatures from registered voters from each congressional district, and took zero responsibility for his error.
• This was made absolutely clear yesterday.
• While I am disappointed in the decision by the Indiana Election Commission, I remain confident in the case we made in our challenges, and any decision regarding further action is forthcoming.
• Regardless of outcome, the IDP will continue to look after everyday Hoosiers and advocate for fairness under all laws – including those governing our elections.
• Hoosiers, we deserve better than Mike Pence and Statehouse Republicans leading our state. We must come together and make sure we elect John Gregg Governor, that we elect Baron Hill to the US Senate – people who will unite and improve the lives of all Hoosiers across Indiana – and we must return Glenda Ritz to the Superintendent’s office in 2016.
• Until that time comes, Democrats in Indiana will continue to talk about ways in which we can do better for Indiana’s economy, our infrastructure, our education system, and for the overall well-being of Hoosiers.
• Thank you for liste
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