Longtime Boston Globe Sportswriter, ESPN Commentator Bob Ryan to Visit Indiana University

Longtime Boston Globe Sportswriter, ESPN Commentator Bob Ryan to Visit Indiana University

BLOOMINGTON | IN – The National Sports Journalism Center and the Indiana University Media School will welcome Bob Ryan, longtime sportswriter for The Boston Globe and frequent commentator on ESPN’s Pardon The Interruption and Around The Horn. Ryan will be visiting the Indiana University – Bloomington campus next week. Ryan will be in Bloomington for a two day visit in which he will visit multiple journalism and media classes to talk with aspiring broadcasters, journalists and media personnel looking to pursue a career in sports.

Bob Ryan PTI

(Photo: ESPN)

Bob Ryan graduated from Boston College and spent 44 years as a sportswriter when he retired in 2012 after the 2012 Olympic Games in London concluded. Ryan has won several awards for his work including National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association National Sportswriter of the Year Award four different times (2000, 2007, 2008, 2009). Ryan has also been awarded with Associated Press “National Sportswriter of the Year” (2000) as well as several others for his work in college and professional basketball. He was elected into the College Basketball Writers and New England Basketball Hall of Fames.

Ryan also committed time to television and radio where he often appeared on ESPN’s Pardon the Screen Shot 2016-02-10 at 7.26.42 PMInterruption and Around the Horn. Bob Ryan wrote a book in 2004 about the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series in 1903 (When Boston Won the World Series: A Chronicle of Boston’s Remarkable Victory in the First Modern World Series of 1903). This book was released before the Boston Red Sox won their World Series in 2004. Ryan has also wrote several award winning books on Boston sports including one in 2005 titled The Best of Sport: Classic Writing from the Golden Era of Sports (2005). His latest book, Scribe: My Life in Sports was released in October of 2014 talking about his experiences in the sports media world.

He will also be giving a public talk, open to anyone interested in attending, on Wednesday, February 17th at 5:00 pm while on the Indiana University Bloomington Campus. He will be talking about his career in the field, and giving advice to students interested in pursuing a career in sports media.

For more information on this event, contact the Director of The National Sports Journalism Center Dr. Galen Clavio.

Written by Jordan Maly

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