Indiana Democratic Party 3-5-16 Weekly Radio Address Podcast
Chairman John Zody and the 3-5-16 Indiana Democratic Party weekly radio address podcast: “One day after the beginning of Women’s History Month, Mike Pence kicked out Sue Ellspermann as lieutenant governor. And who replaces her? Eric Holcomb, a political hack who would say and do anything to support out-of-touch candidates and issues.”
This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.
This Tuesday marked the beginning of Women’s History Month-and the question is- are Hoosier women reaching their full potential?
Currently, Hoosier women make 75 cents to every one dollar earned by their male counterparts. Further, women in Indiana hold two out of every three minimum wage jobs that exist in our state.
And with Mike Pence as Indiana’s governor, signs point to “no” as women and Hoosier families face declining wages and are falling behind the rest of the nation.
In Congress, Mike Pence voted twice against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and against the Paycheck Fairness Act.
And in the words of now Gov. Pence, “encouraging more investment, job opportunities” were the best ways to “address” the pay gap between women and men.
However, Hoosier women want economic security in their lives – and not just some unemployment figure.
Wage inequality for women adds to the economic insecurity experienced by many Hoosier workers.
Last year, Hoosiers made only 86 cents to every one American dollar – causing Indiana to fall to 39th in per capita income.
Mike Pence is quick to tout unemployment figures, but he fails to mention wage inequality for our Hoosier workers.
Hardworking families want to see commonsense leaders like John Gregg, who support measures like equal pay for women, but also advocate for the creation of quality jobs in Indiana.
Also, one day after the beginning of Women’s History Month, Mike Pence kicked out Sue Ellspermann as lieutenant governor. And who replaces her? Eric Holcomb, a political hack who would say and do anything to support out-of-touch candidates and issues.
Some examples include Holcomb’s decision to abandon the auto industry, flip-flop on his position with RFRA, and as a candidate – he ran what was arguably one of the most negative campaigns in Indiana history.
And finally, last fall Mike Pence put his ideology first when he chose to bar funds from Syrian refugees who simply wanted a fresh start and a new place to call home.
Gov. Pence’s run-to-the-mic approach on this issue not only embarrassed the state but also once again put Indiana’s coveted ‘Hoosier Hospitality’ reputation in jeopardy.
Monday’s court ruling affirms Mike Pence is an ideologue and is out of touch with how Hoosiers feel about important issues affecting our state.
Indiana needs a governor who will put commonsense and ‘The Golden Rule’ first-and not issues that only divide our state.
This person is clearly not Mike Pence.
Hoosiers, we deserve better than Mike Pence and Statehouse Republicans leading our state. We must come together and make sure we elect John Gregg Governor, that we elect Baron Hill to the US Senate – people who will unite and improve the lives of all Hoosiers across Indiana – and we must return Glenda Ritz to the Superintendent’s office in 2016.
Until that time comes, Democrats in Indiana will continue to talk about ways in which we can do better for Indiana’s economy, our infrastructure, our education system, and for the overall well-being of Hoosiers.
Thank you for listening.
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