Republicans Close Door on Democrat Challenge

Republicans Close Door on Democrat Challenge

Well, what can I say…

It’s going to take a while for me to dig through all of these results and all of this information.

My initial reaction is that I’m extremely disappointed.  Indiana had a real chance to make some change this election, and I’m afraid that we just doubled down on every thing that has got us into these certain but uncertain times.

We just handed the keys of the Governor’s Office over to Eric Holcomb, a man we know truthfully little about.  He has no voting record.  He has no particular public pedigree.  All we know is the way he’s conducted his campaigns and the way he’s led the Republican Party in Indiana.  We know that Holcomb’s GOP created the mess in our education system.  We know that his GOP is anti-LGBT.  We know Holcomb is anti-Sunday alcohol sales and anti-medical marijuana.

Hoosiers handed their U.S. Senate seat to Todd Young. A man who essentially offered nothing but being a former Marine and being anti-Washington to voters.  By the way, did you know he’s a Marine?

Congratulations to all the winners.  Republicans now hold all of Indiana Government again.

It’s late/early…I’m tired…I’m out.
Source: Indy Democrat Blog

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