Indiana Democratic Party 12-17-16 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Indiana Democratic Party 12-17-16 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Chairman Zody and the Indiana Democratic Party Weekly Radio Address:

“I had hoped to hear a greater sense of urgency from the governor-elect. He talked about Indiana’s economy and unemployment rate, but there was very little mentioned about a vision for how we grow wages in our state so Hoosiers can get ahead.”



This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.

Though it is true the November 8 election is behind us, it is important to realize the obstacles for Indiana are not.

As the 2017 legislative session approaches, it is important to take a close look at current challenges facing the state of Indiana and begin to put together the framework for finding solutions in a responsible and common sense way.

While addressing a conference this week, many thought Governor-elect Eric Holcomb would provide details on his legislative agenda to tackle the many problems facing our state. He did not.

I had hoped to hear a greater sense of urgency from the governor-elect. He talked about Indiana’s economy and unemployment rate, but there was very little mentioned about a vision for how we grow wages in our state so Hoosiers can get ahead.

Also, while Pre-K was briefly mentioned, there was no long-term vision presented that would expand it to all Hoosiers – something that is critical for our state’s long-term success.

And while a plan for infrastructure was touched upon, questions still remain about what the proposal will look like.
With legislative session closing in, I can only hope Governor-elect Holcomb and Statehouse Republicans will realize the urgency of our state’s challenges.

If not, Indiana will continue to fall behind the rest of the nation.

And speaking of state governments, it is important that everyone listening keep a close eye on what is happening in North Carolina. The power grab by the GOP-controlled General Assembly to strip authority away from the newly-elected Democratic governor resembles what happened here in Indiana with Glenda Ritz.

Thomas Jefferson once said that “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance” – and just because the election is over doesn’t mean politics has gone away. The efforts by the North Carolina General Assembly to strip authority away from the governor – simply because they lost the race – is a symptom of what frustrates Americans about politics. We have to do better – and with your care and attention, we will.

I thank all of you for your continual and unconditional support through the last few months and also through the months ahead.

Please follow the state party on Facebook and Twitter. Simply search INDems – that’s I-N-D-E-M-S on Facebook and Twitter, and follow us to get the latest news about our candidates and what we’re doing to hold our counterparts at the Statehouse accountable.

Only together can we work towards a brighter and more progressive state for Hoosiers of all walks to life to fully thrive in.

Thank you for listening.

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