Indiana Democratic Party 1-28-17 Weekly Radio Address Podcast
Chairman John Zody and the 1-28-17 Indiana Democratic Party weekly radio address:
“So while we’ve had an election and there are some new people at the Statehouse, it seems this group of Statehouse Republicans remains as out of touch as ever.”
This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.
The first week of the Trump-Pence Administration has been one for the books. In his first days in office, President Trump signed multiple executive orders to begin the process of dismantling healthcare, closing our nation’s doors to refugees – and building a wall that he wants us to pay for.
In addition, he’s claiming that millions voted illegally in the past election and wants to open an investigation in voter fraud – which is a gateway to simply making the right to vote harder to exercise.
What we’re seeing from President Trump in his first few days in office is action behavior that shows this administration is attempting to turn its divisive campaign rhetoric into divisive action for the American people.
We can’t let that happen. And Americans are already fighting back.
All across the country, and in fact, the world, last week, people participated in women’s marches to push back. And this last week, thousands of Hoosiers called their Members of Congress to express their feelings on President Trump’s cabinet picks. People are speaking out for what is right and are not going to be told to sit down and be quiet by a President who doesn’t seem to respect the rights of the citizens he is supposed to represent.
Back here at the Indiana Statehouse, two legislators got themselves in trouble by posting denigrating things about women on Facebook. What’s more, Rep. Jim Lucas faced no disciplinary action from Speaker Bosma after it was realized this wasn’t the first time he’d posted something of this nature.
So while we’ve had an election and there are some new people at the Statehouse, it seems this group of Statehouse Republicans remains as out of touch as ever.
This became even more evident this week when a GOP State Senator proposed thousands in pay raises for statewide elected officials. This, while Indiana remains 38th in per capita income, and while many Hoosiers are working more than one job just to survive.
Governor Holcomb didn’t mention the word “wage” even once in his State of the State Address, yet his colleagues in the legislature are proposing a big pay raise for him. Is there anything more out of touch than that?
Democrats are going to keep fighting for what is right, both here in Indiana and in Washington. In fact, this week Senator Joe Donnelly announced that he would oppose the nomination of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education. It is critical that the next Secretary of Education focus on early learning, on our public schools – and on making college more affordable for those who seek it – and in these areas, Betsy DeVos does not make the grade.
Hoosiers, it is critical that we stick together to make sure we continue fighting for our rights – and to be the voices for those who have not been heard as new administrations come into office here at home, and in Washington, DC.
Please follow the IDP on Facebook and Twitter. Simply search INDems – that’s I-N-D-E-M-S on Facebook and Twitter, and follow us to get the latest news about our candidates and what we’re doing to hold our counterparts at the Statehouse and in Washington accountable.
Only together can we work towards a brighter and better state for Hoosiers of all walks to life to succeed in working and raising a family.
Thank you for listening.
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