Indiana Democratic Party 1-7-17 Weekly Radio Address Podcast
Chairman John Zody and the Indiana Democratic Party weekly radio address podcast:
If those pushing for repeal get their way, over 30 million Americans would lose their health insurance — 82 percent of whom are working families.
This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.
With a new year brings a new legislative session at the Indiana Statehouse. Democrats from both the Senate and House brought forth their own legislative agendas this week – and their visions to improve the lives of all Hoosiers across Indiana.
In the Senate, Democratic Leader Tim Lanane named passing a hate crimes bill, raising the minimum wage, repairing our state’s crumbling infrastructure, redistricting and education as top priorities for this year’s budget session.
And on the House side, Democratic Leader Scott Pelath said redistricting, campaign finance reform, a full investment in our infrastructure system, and fair pay for all our teachers should be top priorities.
Simply put, Democrats are done talking politics and are ready to work. Indiana is now beginning its third century, and our future that lies ahead remains optimistic – if we’re all willing to work together for the good of Indiana.
That can’t be said, though, in Washington, D.C. as House Republicans this week voted in secret to gut the independent Office of Congressional Ethics and any sort of accountability for the next two years.
This comes just eight years after Democrats created this new office to hold all Members accountable to the highest standards of ethics.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the Republican majority seems to want to avoid any sort of ethics standards moving forward.
How did the Indiana Republican Delegation vote on this?
We don’t know because most of them won’t talk about it, and while they continue their silence, they are now opening the doors to the same practices they campaigned against just months ago.
We encourage Hoosiers to call their Republican Congressional Delegation offices today and keep asking how they voted behind closed doors. Hoosiers deserve transparency.
And finally – Republican leaders have begun a fast-tracked process to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and we need your help to stop it by joining our National Day of Action on January 15.
When the health care debate began back in 2009, there was one thing on which Republicans and Democrats could agree: our health care system was broken.
We know the ACA isn’t perfect, and there is more work to do to improve affordability, reduce health care costs, and expand access to care.
If those pushing for repeal get their way, over 30 million Americans would lose their health insurance — 82 percent of whom are working families.
Prescription drug prices would increase by more than $1,000 a year for over 5 million seniors and people with disabilities, and we would return to the days when insurance companies could deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions.
In addition to attending a rally or gathering in your community, please also consider joining us for what’s called a statewide “flash” phone bank on Sunday, January 15. At 3 p.m. local time, call or text five people you know to tell them why the ACA is important, and keep watching social media for rallies in your area!
I thank all of you for your continual and unconditional support through the last few months and also through the months ahead.
Please follow the IDP on Facebook and Twitter. Simply search INDems – that’s I-N-D-E-M-S on Facebook and Twitter, and follow us to get the latest news about our candidates and what we’re doing to hold our counterparts at the Statehouse accountable.
Only together can we work towards a brighter and more progressive state for Hoosiers of all walks to life to fully thrive in.
Thank you for listening.
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