Indiana Democratic Party 5-27-17 Weekly Radio Address
Chairman John Zody and the 5-27-17 Indiana Democratic Party Weekly radio address:
“This week, we finally got a report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, or CBO, on the impact of Congressional Republicans’ controversial health care bill. 23 million Americans would lose their health care coverage if the bill were to become law. Remember, all seven Indiana House Republicans voted for this bill without seeing this information first.”
This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.
This week, we finally got a report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, or CBO, on the impact of Congressional Republicans’ controversial health care bill. 23 million Americans would lose their health care coverage if the bill were to become law. Remember, all seven Indiana House Republicans voted for this bill without seeing this information first. It’s clear they value partisan ideology ahead of what’s best for working families.
Senator Joe Donnelly said this week the CBO score confirms what we already knew, that the bill makes “health care more expensive and harder to access, particularly for those with pre-existing conditions, children, older Hoosiers and seniors.” Senator Donnelly is ready and willing to work with members of both parties to drive down the cost of health care and ensure access to quality, affordable care.
House and Senate Democratic Leaders here in Indiana…Scott Pelath and Tim Lanane,… their call to study the impact of federal legislation on the 400,000 Hoosiers receiving care through HIP 2.0 was granted this week.
Lawmakers in the Indiana General Assembly will take a more detailed look at alternatives if Republicans in Washington move forward with their effort to dismantle Medicaid expansion, which directly funds Indiana’s HIP 2.0 program.
HIP 2.0 also provides mental health and addiction treatment for Hoosiers who might not otherwise have access.
In other news, Donald Trump released his plan for the federal budget and the document was met with nearly universal condemnation. The budget cuts job training programs, funding for after-school programs, crop insurance and a litany of other programs designed to boost the economy and lift up working families.
Ninth Congressional District Democrats called out Donald Trump’s budget, saying it would “devastate rural communities and make rural Hoosier families less economically secure.”
Interestingly, Congressman Todd Rokita embraced Donald Trump’s destructive budget, but Congressman Luke Messer has gone radio silent on the budget and its tax cuts for our nation’s wealthiest.
Please follow the IDP on Facebook and Twitter. Simply search INDems – that’s I-N-D-E-M-S on Facebook and Twitter, and follow us to get the latest news about our candidates and what we’re doing to hold our counterparts at the Statehouse and in Washington accountable.
Only together can we fight for fairness, the future and work toward a brighter and better state for Hoosiers of all walks of life to succeed in working and raising a family.
Thank you for listening.
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