Congressional Candidate Dan Canon calls for medical marijuana legalization

Congressional Candidate Dan Canon calls for medical marijuana legalization

New Albany, Indiana— Dan Canon, Congressional candidate in Indiana’s 9th district, today released an ad calling for the nationwide legalization of medical marijuana. In the ad he touts the positive impact it would have on agriculture, the economy, the opioid crisis, and the criminal justice system.

94% of Americans support legalization of medical marijuana according to a Quinnipiac poll from August of this year. There has, however, been no movement on the issue in Congress, and in fact Attorney General Jeff Sessions has hinted at increased enforcement of federal marijuana restrictions.

Canon, who filed a lawsuit on behalf of medical marijuana users earlier this year, stated: “More than a hundred people in the United States die from opioid use every day. And yet these opioids are prescribed by the fistful by doctors in states like Indiana who can’t prescribe a safe, legal, non-addictive alternative like cannabis even if they want to. Legal medical cannabis has cut opioid deaths as much as 20%, while they are increasing in states without it.

“All relevant, available data suggests that marijuana is not a ‘gateway drug,’ but an exit drug. Furthermore, the public overwhelmingly favors decriminalization for medicinal uses. And yet the pharmaceutical lobby and other powerful corporate interests have been allowed to control this issue for decades. It’s time to elect leaders who will implement common-sense drug policies.”


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