Indiana Democratic Party 12-9-17 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Indiana Democratic Party 12-9-17 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Chairman John Zody and the 12-9-17 weekly radio address podcast.



This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.

We’re closing in on the final days of 2017 and I want to focus on one particularly exciting aspect of the progress we’ve made this year. As I traveled the state during the past year, I’ve encountered one constant in small towns and big cities. In northwest Indiana, down to the Ohio River.

Across our state, Hoosiers of all ages are taking action. Last night, I met a young lawyer. Someone who had never been involved in politics prior to the 2016 election. He told me he couldn’t wait on the sidelines any longer. He was ready to take action. His story is not unique. I’ve heard them everywhere.

I’m excited because young people are stepping up like never before. They’re energized. They aren’t waiting for someone to tap them on the shoulder to run, they are taking action now.

If this momentum continues, our Party will have more millennials on the ballot than ever before. We’re watching a future United States Senator or Indiana governor taking their first steps toward elected office.

In January of this year, women around the country took to the street and marched. It was an awe-inspiring show of organizing force. Women, in unison around the country, stood up with one voice.

Today, On December 9, more than 120 Hoosier women from around the state are gathering in Greenwood. Like the women’s marches, they are organizing, but this time to run.

Our Party, in partnership with Emerge America – a national organization working to elect more women to public office – is putting on a day-long boot camp for Hoosier women interested in taking the next steps.

All participants will get a crash course on the ins and outs of running for office. They’ll learn how to recruit volunteers, fundraise, knock doors and about every other aspect of a successful campaign. Some will take the next step and put their names on the ballot. It’s a fitting bookend to the women’s marches in January. It’s organizing toward action.

This training, and another to be held January 6 in partnership with the National Democratic Training Committee, is open to all those interested in running. All are a critical part of what our Party is doing to prepare for 2018 and beyond.

It’s an exciting time because like never before, Hoosier Democrats are taking action. Buckle up, Hoosier Democrats – 2018 is going to be an exciting year.

Please follow the IDP on Facebook and Twitter. Simply search INDems – that’s I-N-D-E-M-S on Facebook and Twitter, and follow us to get the latest news about our candidates and what we’re doing to hold our counterparts at the Statehouse and in Washington accountable.

Only together can we fight for fairness, the future and work toward a brighter and better state for Hoosiers of all walks of life to succeed in working and raising a family.

Thank you for listening.

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