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Authorities raid home of Subway spokesman Jared Fogle in child pornography investigation

ZIONSVILLE, Ind. (July 7, 2015) – Federal authorities raided the home of Subway spokesman Jared Fogle Tuesday morning. FBI sources told CBS4 federal and state investigators were serving warrants at

Indiana 0 Comments

John Zody: Why We Challenged Todd Young’s Candidacy

By now, you have likely seen the news on the Indiana Democratic Party’s challenge to Congressman Todd Young’s eligibility to be a candidate for the U.S. Senate in the May

Indiana 1Comments

Baron Hill for Indiana calls out Marlin Stutzman for putting ideology ahead of Hoosier families

Stutzman ranked 435th among members of Congress for working across the aisle Baron Hill for Indiana Campaign Manager Luke Quandt called out Marlin Stutzman today for being ranked last in