Indiana Talks Daily Progress Report for 1-15-19

Indiana Talks Daily Progress Report for 1-15-19

Goodnight won’t seek re-election
Nearly everyone seated and standing in the cavernous ballroom, with its soaring white walls and long black drapes, had expected to hear one thing: I am seeking a fourth term. Instead, they got the biggest political surprise to come out of Kokomo in decades – possibly ever.  (Kokomo Tribune)

Senator proposes bill to lower fees to reinstate drivers’ licenses
Richard Samuels was caught in a vicious cycle following his release from 26 years in prison after as he tried to get his driver’s license reinstated and re-enter society. (Hendricks County Flyer)

Supporters Say ‘It’s Time’ For Hate Crimes Law
Organizers of a broad-based coalition say the time is right for Indiana to adopt a comprehensive hate crimes law. Indiana Forward, a group of more than 700 business, community, nonprofit and academic institutions, launched last week to advocate for passage of a hate crimes bill, calling it a social and economic issue. “We’ve got to have a community and a state that is welcoming to all people to recruit and retain top talent,” said Cummins Director of External Communications Jon Mills, who added “it’s the right thing to do.” Another Indiana Forward organizer, (Inside Indiana Business)
Trump greets Clemson Tigers with fast-food buffet of Wendy’s, McDonald’s, and Burger King as they celebrate their national championship
On Monday, the Clemson Tigers took part in a White House visit to celebrate their national championship win over the Alabama Crimson Tide. (Business Insider)

Kasich: Republican Party is mired in the 1950s and ignores today’s America at its peril
Republicans need to break their own self-made mold of being naysayers instead of doers. It means designing solutions that actually solve problems. (USA Today)

Steve King removed from committee assignments following racist comments
Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa has been removed from committee assignments following racist remarks, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced Monday, the latest development in bipartisan condemnation of King’s recent interview that appeared to lament that the term “white supremacist” is considered offensive. (CNN)

Tulsi Gabbard ‘regrets’ past anti-gay activism as she prepares for presidential race
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s positions on same-sex marriage and LGBT rights have shifted dramatically, from working for her father’s anti-gay marriage organization in the early 2000s to joining the Congressional Progressive Caucus as a U.S. House member. (Roll Call)

Federal Workers Struggle To Stretch Their Money As Shutdown Lingers
People often confuse Brittany Sears with Britney Spears. But Sears is no multimillionaire pop star. In fact, money is tight for Sears, a federal correctional officer in Safford, Ariz. (NPR)

This is the real crisis’: Los Angeles teachers strike in nation’s 2nd-largest school district
About 34,000 teachers in Los Angeles went on strike Monday in a driving rain, throwing the nation’s second-largest school district into chaos. (USA Today)

The Indiana Talks Network Weekday LIVE Lineup:

12a- The Progressive Voices Overnight

7a- The Bill Press Show

8a- Democracy Now!

9a- The Stephanie Miller Show

12p- The Thom Hartmann Program

3p- The Leslie Marshall/Mark Levine Show

4p- Randi Rhodes

6p- Progressive Voices Primetime

9p- Mike Malloy


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