
Indiana 0 Comments

Lanane responds to Senate Republicans’ passage of hollowed hate crimes bill

Indianapolis – On Tuesday, Senate Republicans concurred with House of Representatives’ changes to Senate Bill 198, which include hate crimes language. Senate Democratic Leader Tim Lanane (D-Anderson) responded to the

Uncategorized 0 Comments

Sanders raises $18 million from 900,000 small dollar contributions in 6 weeks

WASHINGTON — In a showing of unprecedented grassroots support, Bernie 2020 today announced a record quarterly fundraising haul of $18 million raised over just 41 days, leaving upwards of $28

Podcasts 0 Comments

Leigh Riley Evans releases second installment of ‘Conversation with the Candidate’

Leigh Riley Evans, Democratic Candidate for Indianapolis City-County Council District 9, releases the second in a series of podcasts discussing her plans if elected.

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