Trump insists wind turbine noise causes cancer

Trump insists wind turbine noise causes cancer

President Trump has said some pretty stupid sh*t as President. Check that. President Trump has said some pretty stupid sh*t. In a speech to House Republicans, Trump claimed that wind turbines cause cancer.

They say the noise causes cancer,” the president of the United States asserted.

Wind turbines do not cause cancer. Some people blame the noise for causing a variety of other health ailments, but these charges have zero scientific validity. Cancer is not caused by noises of any kind.

If linking wind turbine noise to cancer wasn’t enough, Trump in a campaign speech last week indicated that homes powered by wind can’t watch television when the skies are calm and added:

I know a lot about wind,” the Republican said. “I know a lot about wind.”

I’m guessing Trump doesn’t know much about wind? I do believe Trump knows his audience though.


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