Indiana State Police Reminds Revelers To Obey Fireworks Law

Indiana State Police Reminds Revelers To Obey Fireworks Law

As July 4 looms, Indiana State Police are reminding revelers to obey fireworks laws:

  • Only people 18 and older can buy fireworks.
  • Someone 18 or older must be present when anyone younger than 18 is using or possessing fireworks.
  • Fireworks can only be used on the user’s property, the property of someone who granted permission for fireworks to be discharged or a place designated by the Indiana State Fire Marshal.
  • Fireworks may only be discharged from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. any day except on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and New Year’s Eve. On those holidays, discharge times are 9 a.m. to midnight.

Also make sure to check your local officials government website to see if your area has any further ordinances.

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