Walorski Refuses to Condemn Trump

Walorski Refuses to Condemn Trump

St. Joseph County Democrats:

This week, many Republican leaders, including Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, lashed out against Donald Trump and his response to the Ku Klux Klan’s endorsement of his campaign.

Democratic Congressional candidate Lynn Coleman pressed our own Republican Congresswoman Jackie Walorski to do the same – to join the voices in her own Party and condemn Donald Trump.

Walorski refused to do so as reported by the South Bend Tribune and Elkhart Truth.

We have seen the revolting statements made by Donald Trump. We have seen the images and videos of the actions of Trump and his supporters at rallies and events. We have seen the culture of violence and hatred that he breeds, and even encourages with every word he speaks.

This would seem like an easy decision; an opportunity to speak out against the dangerous rhetoric and hatred being encouraged by her party’s likely Presidential candidate. Yet, Congresswoman Walorski failed at this opportunity for righteous and just leadership.

Why does Walorski refuse to condemn such behavior? Is Donald Trump’s culture really what we want to see in our own communities? It seems Walorski has been given a “pass” on her lack of presence in the 2nd District. Is this something else for which she will be given a “pass?”

This election year is showing a clear divide between two approaches; dangerous and unbridled hatred vs. rational common sense. We are thankful to have a congressional candidate in Lynn Coleman, an individual who is unafraid of doing what we all know is right.

Words do indeed have consequences. And in this case, the lack of them can as well.

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