Jack Colwell: Trump’s slide pushes Walorski into a race
BEND – Two things seemed certain last summer as folks around South Bend
looked ahead to the fall sports of football and politics: Notre Dame
would beat underdog Duke easily in football and Jackie Walorski would
beat some guy named Coleman easily for Congress. You could bet on it.
Some did, on the football game. What though the odds, Duke won over
defenseless Notre Dame. Now, how about that political certainty?
That certainty of reelection of Congresswoman Walorski, much better
funded, much better known and much better situated in a
Republican-flavored district in which she carried nine of the 10
counties last time? Walorski isn’t defenseless, not with all the money
she has for TV. She has begun hitting Democratic challenger Lynn Coleman
with negative TV ads, no longer acting as though he isn’t there. Coleman,
a former South Bend police officer and mayoral assistant, has gained
name recognition and more support than might have been expected last
summer. But Coleman can’t win. Not on his own. Just as Duke needed help
from a bizarre Notre Dame defense, Coleman needs help from a bizarre
Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump. And Trump is helping.
Source: Howey Politics
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