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Indiana 0 Comments

Indiana Republican Establishment Divides Over 2016 Senate Race

Former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has pledged to remain neutral in the 2016 GOP Senate primary, but many of his ex-staffers are choosing sides. …read more Via: <a href= class="colorbox"

Indiana 0 Comments

Indiana Democratic Party 4-7-18 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Chair John Zody and the Indiana Democratic Party 4-7-18 weekly radio address podcast: “I was struck by Congressman Lewis’ words on Tuesday. Referring to his time standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Dr.

Indiana 0 Comments

Mark Rutherford, Libertarian Secretary of State Candidate, Drops First Radio Spot

Mark Rutherford, Libertarian candidate for Indiana Secretary of State, release his first radio ad defending small business. The ad wil run on Indiana Talks at the top and bottom of