
Podcasts 0 Comments

Indiana Democratic Party 2-10-18 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Chairman John Zody and the Indiana Democratic Party Weekly Radio Address: First, not a single bill to address Hoosiers’ stagnant wages is moving through the process. This is the most

Podcasts 0 Comments

Mark Hinton 2-8-18 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Mark Hinton and his 2-8-18 weekly radio address: The study found that for every $1 a man made in Indiana in 2016, a woman in Indiana only made 74 cents.

Indiana 0 Comments

New data: child abuse deaths rise, notably in Texas, Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Newly released federal figures show a sharp rise in child abuse fatalities in the U.S., with the bulk of the increase occurring in two states — Indiana

Indiana 0 Comments

Taylor: Indiana cannot wait another year for bias crimes law

INDIANAPOLIS – Today, Senate Bill (SB) 418, a bias crimes bill, was killed in the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee. State Senator Greg Taylor (D-Indianapolis) had the following comments

Indiana 0 Comments

Indiana Democratic Party 1-27-18 Weekly Radio Address

Chair John Zody and the January 27, 2018 Indiana Democratic Party Weekly Radio Address: In 2011, the last time legislative districts were drawn, Statehouse Republicans stacked the deck in their

Indiana 0 Comments

Open letter to James Luttrell, Andy Zay and Kevin Mahan

By Theresa Sloan I am very disheartened as I try to think of what to say to men in your position. Men who have been charged with being the voice

Indiana 0 Comments

Indiana Democratic Party 1-20-18 Weekly Radio Address

Chairman  John Zody and the 1-20-18 Indiana Democratic Party weekly radio address: If this is the “winning” candidate Trump boasted about, it’s going to be a long three years. TRANSCRIPT:

Podcasts 0 Comments

Mark Hinton 1-16-18 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Democratic State Representative Candidate Mark Hinton and his 1-16-18 weekly radio address podcast. TRANSCRIPT: My name is Mark Hinton and I am a Democratic Candidate for Indiana House District 39