France Refuses To Sell Two Warships To Russia
The dispute follows Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The 1.6 billion euro helicopter carriers are sitting in French dockyards. » E-Mail This …read more Via: http://www.npr.org/2015/08/01/428355245/france-refuses-to-sell-two-warships-to-russia?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=world
Kerry Aims To Repair Relations With Egypt
By Leila Fadel Secretary of State John Kerry visits Egypt on Sunday as the two countries intensify ties, despite the concerns of human rights advocates. » E-Mail This …read more
Police-Community Collaboration Has Helped Kept Peace In Cincinnati
By Ann Thompson A 2001 agreement between Cincinnati police, the police union and community groups is credited with keeping protests peaceful there after the killing of an unarmed black motorist
SuperPac Filings, Candidates’ Forums: The Week In Politics
Hillary Clinton released her medical report, her tax returns, and a cache of unseen emails on Friday. NPR’s Scott Simon talks politics with senior editor Ron Elving. » E-Mail This
Zimbabwe May Give Land Back To Some White Farmers
White farmers were driven out of Zimbabwe 15 years ago. Now the government says some white farmers could get their land back. NPR’s Scott Simon speaks with Zimbabwean journalist Peta
Coding Camp to Baltimore Schools: Bring Us Your Bored!
By Elissa Nadworny A summer program in Baltimore has black middle-schoolers coding, designing apps and altogether hooked on engineering. » E-Mail This …read more Via: http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/08/01/427416157/coding-camp-to-baltimore-schools-bring-us-your-bored?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=us
Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Update: Expecting A Baby
By The Associated Press The co-founder of the world’s largest social network also disclosed that the couple had suffered three miscarriages over the last two years. » E-Mail This …read
States Make Laws To Protect Patients From Hidden Medical Bills
By Michelle Andrews Too many patients only learn after they get the bill that their insurer won’t cover some medical services provided in the hospital. New laws in several states
Connected Car Company Zubie Rolls Out An API For The “Internet Of Cars”
By Sarah Perez Zubie, a company that sells a device allowing drivers to tap into their car’s onboard computer and then sync vehicle diagnostic data to their smartphone, is today
To Boost Video Views, Facebook Tests A New “Watch Later” Button
By Ingrid Lunden Video has been one of the fastest-growing content categories on Facebook of late, with 4 billion daily video views on the site as of last quarter. Now,