Republicans Likely Will Oppose Iran Deal, But Find It Hard To Derail
If Congress passes a measure of disapproval regarding the lifting of Iran sanctions, President Obama likely would veto it — meaning a two-thirds majority would have to opposed Tuesday’s agreement.
Another U.K. Surveillance Review Calls For Judicial Sign-Off For Intercepts
By Natasha Lomas Another independent report into U.K. government surveillance has concluded interception warrants should require judicial sign-off, rather than being sanctioned by ministers as is the case now. Read
As Big 3 Automakers Begin Union Talks, Both Sides Say Profit Is Job 1
By Tracy Samilton GM and the UAW kicked off contract talks Monday; Chrysler and Ford will do the same this month. Negotiations are never easy, but since industry bailouts in
In ‘Escaping ISIS,’ An Underground Railroad Forms To Save Yazidi Women
A new Frontline documentary explores what life is like for the girls and women who have been enslaved by Islamic State militants, and also tells the story of those fighting
Iran, World Powers Reach Deal On Nuclear Program
Officials in Vienna tell NPR’s Peter Kenyon that preparations are being made today to announce a historic accord that will restrict Iran’s nuclear program and lift some economic sanctions. »
New York Will Pay Eric Garner Family $5.9 Million To Avoid Lawsuit
By Hansi Lo Wang The settlement with Garner’s family won’t require the city to admit liability for his death. The unarmed black man died after police placed him in a
Obama Shortens Prison Terms For 46 Drug Offenders, Vows More Commutations
By Carrie Johnson All of those whose sentences were commuted would have gotten lighter prison terms under new sentencing guidelines. The White House says the they aren’t hardened criminals and
Swing States Get More Disaster Declarations — Especially Before Elections
New research shows that states that are highly competitive in presidential elections are twice as likely to receive presidential disaster declarations — and the financial aid that comes with them.
Pura Lets You Monitor Your Finicky Cat’s Water Intake
By Catherine Shu You can lead a cat to water, but you can’t make it drink. Even though felines are vulnerable to kidney disease, many are constantly dehydrated because they
Documenting Death Inside Syria’s Secret Prisons
By Deborah Amos A Syrian forensic photographer, who goes by Ceasar, took thousands of photos of those who have died in Syria’s prisons. His photos will be on display in