After Rejecting Referendum, Greeks Feel Betrayed By Latest Bailout Plan
By Joanna Kakissis Greeks voted overwhelmingly to reject austerity in a referendum last week. But now their government is being forced by European leaders to implement more austerity to avoid
On the Air
By Abdul Hakim-Shabazz We’re on the air this weekend talking state, local and global issues. Here’s where you can find us. “Indianapolis This Week” RTV 6, Sunday, 8:30 a.m. &
Stutzman Raises $600,000 in Second Quarter
By Abdul Hakim-Shabazz Republican U.S. Senate candidate Marlin Stutzman is reporting raising $600,000 in the second quarter. The Stutzman team says 72% of their contributions cam from private donors. They
Ginsburg: Liberal Justices Make A Point To Speak With One Voice
By Nina Totenberg Being in one opinion is important, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Thursday. “If you want to make sure you’re read, you do it together, and you do
To the Dick Doc, or Not?
By Sarah Murrell I was having sex w my boyfriend when he kind of “missed” with his penis as he was entering me and it feels like it bent a
FDA Boosts Its Heart-Attack Warning On NSAIDs, Sows Confusion
By Richard Harris High doses of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers do increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. But good luck trying to weigh risks and benefits for yourself. »
The Dinosaurs Of Cybersecurity Are Planes, Power Grids And Hospitals
By Wesley Wineberg As we continue down the path toward complete connectivity — in which all devices, appliances and networks connect to each other and the Internet — it is
FBI Says Background Check Error Let Charleston Shooting Suspect Buy Gun
By Carrie Johnson FBI Director James Comey said a bureau employee made a mistake in reviewing Dylann Roof’s application to purchase a weapon. » E-Mail This …read more Via: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/07/10/421789047/fbi-says-background-check-error-let-charleston-shooting-suspect-buy-gun?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=us
Taking A Spin On Bolt, The Tesla Of Electric Motorbikes
By Sarah Buhr Bolt is a San Francisco-based startup that makes electric motorbikes. The bikes are handmade in a small garage on the edge of town and come with the
Apple Is Building A New Store In Hong Kong
By Jordan Crook As part of a huge push to own the Chinese market, Apple is opening up a new store in Hong Kong. It will be located on Canton