EU Leaders Call On Greece To Offer ‘Serious And Credible’ Proposals
By Eyder Peralta European leaders were scheduled to meet to discuss the Greek debt crisis. Meanwhile, the French and German leaders called on Greece to present “precise proposals” to try
Man Re-Enacts Scene From Pixar’s ‘Up’
A Canadian man attached giant helium-filled balloons to a lawn chair -– and soared for miles over Calgary during a promotional stunt. But things went wrong, and he had to
Iran, World Powers Will Work Past Deadline Toward Nuclear Deal
By Eyder Peralta Six world powers and Iran said they will not be pressured into accepting a bad deal by a deadline. The two sides had already extended a previous
Klok Is A Neat International Clock/Time Zone Conversion Widget For iOS
By Jon Russell Apple finally allowed developers to create widget apps for iPhone and iPad owners when it released iOS 8. That’s opened up some useful shortcuts and quick options
Merienda Picnic Will Deliver A Fully Stocked Picnic In Under An Hour
By Fitz Tepper Everyone loves a picnic, but the labor-intensive planning, packing, and cleanup often cause people to rethink their outdoor plans and just head to a nearby restaurant. Merienda
Join TC In A Three City Polish Meetup Tour
By John Biggs If your plan this summer is to rock down to Electric Avenue why not swing by Gdynia, Warsaw, and Krakow first. I will be rolling down Poland
The Global Financial Crisis Did A Real Number On Greece’s Economy
By Jim Zarroli Greece and its European creditors remain at a stalemate. European leaders say without changes, they won’t provide any more aid. Greek banks are closed – unable to
With Greece Facing Economic Abyss, What Will EU Leaders Do?
By Chris Arnold The result of Sunday’s Greek referendum was a resounding “no” to plans for more austerity as a way out of the country’s debt crisis. European leaders meet
Hackers Target Controversial Italian Cyber Espionage Company
By Aarti Shahani Spyware belonging to the security firm Hacking Team has been detected in many countries with repressive regimes. The firm’s client list is secret, but a hack has
Memories Of London’s 2005 Terrorist Attack Live On As If It Were Yesterday
By Ari Shapiro On July 7, 2005, terrorists hit public transportation networks across London in a series of suicide bombings. Ten years later, we hear the personal stories of two