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IDP Statement on Indiana Election Commission’s Decision to Keep Todd Young on Ballot

INDIANAPOLIS – John Zody, Chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party, released the following statement after the Indiana Election Commission voted to have Rep. Todd Young remain on the U.S. Senate

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BREAKING: President Obama Calls on Gov. Pence Not To Appoint New Indiana Supreme Court Justice

President Obama released the following statement today calling on Governor Mike Pence not to appoint a new Indiana Supreme Court Justice until after the election: “Indiana is in the middle

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The Johnnystir Show 2-15-16 Podcast

Johnnystir welcomes Paul Ogden and Stephen Terrell to the show to discuss SCOTUS and primary politics.

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Gregg, Democrats Respond to Pence ISTEP+ Report Manipulation

GREGG REACTS TO ISTEP+ TEST REPORT MANIPULATION INDIANAPOLIS – In reaction to an Associated Press investigation that found the Pence administration manipulated what was supposed to be an independent report into

‘Pacers Fast Break’ with Jordan Maly – NBA Trade Deadline 02/16/16

Join Indiana Talks very own sports journalist every Tuesday for ‘Pacers Fast Break’ live on air from 8-9PM ET. Fill your ears for 60 minutes with a weekly recap of

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The Gary Snyder Show 2-15-16 Podcast

Gary welcomes Bill Press, nationally syndicated talk radio host and author of “Buyers Remorse:  How Obama Let Progressives Down” and “Libertarian Rino” political analyst Chris Barron to discuss the cluster

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Bernie Sanders’ Statement on Justice Scalia

DENVER – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement on Saturday on the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia: “While I differed with Justice Scalia’s views and

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Indiana Democratic Party 2-13-16 Weekly Radio Address

Chairman John Zody and the Indiana Democratic Party’s weekly radio address:  “Overall, it is imperative that every candidate seeking office follow the rules set by the state, and it appears

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The Gary Snyder Show 2-12-16 Podcast

Gary welcomes Just Let me Teach host Justin Oakley and Indiana AFL-CIO President Brett Voorhies.  Gary and Brett discuss the Carrier/United Technologies heading to Mexico despite a $7.2 billion profit

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Just Let Me Teach 2-10-16 Podcast

The great conversation that is education continues with the Badass Teachers Association, Julian Vasquez  Heilig and Gus Morales.