Indiana Democratic Party 3-19-16 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Indiana Democratic Party 3-19-16 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

If you missed Chairman John Zody’s Indiana Democratic Party weekly radio address this weekend, here is the podcast:  “In Gov. Pence’s opinion, this year’s session of the General Assembly was a ‘win for Indiana.’  But following the embarrassing RFRA mess and no protections for the LGBT community, only a short-term infrastructure plan, and politicizing ISTEP’s replacement process, how is this session a “win” for the state of Indiana?”



This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.

• In Gov. Pence’s opinion, this year’s session of the General Assembly was a “win for Indiana.”

• But following the embarrassing RFRA mess and no protections for the LGBT community, only a short-term infrastructure plan, and politicizing ISTEP’s replacement process, how is this session a “win” for the state of Indiana?

• Instead, Mike Pence has continued to put Indiana’s “Crossroads of America” and “Hoosier Hospitality” reputations in jeopardy.

• The only thing Mike Pence did this session was show Hoosiers that in an election year, he’s willing to put his out-of-touch agenda ahead of Hoosiers by choosing ideology over their well-being.

• Also this week, Hoosiers found out Todd Young loves “Chicago-style” politics so much that he’d be willing to flip-flop on the issue himself.

• After numerous independent counts in February found Young didn’t get enough signatures needed to qualify for the U.S. Senate ballot, Todd Young blamed his opponent – frontrunner Marlin Stutzman.

• Now with the announcement of a new attack website on Rep. Stutzman – paid for by Young’s campaign, it seems like Todd Young is willing to flip-flop when it serves his own political interests.
• But that’s Todd Young – a politician who will say or do anything in an election year to win, even if it means talking through both sides of his mouth.

• And finally, how does Mike Pence’s record stack up on his willingness to show transparency in government to Hoosiers?

• At least 18 times should tell Hoosiers that Gov. Pence would rather hide information than be honest about the overall well-being of the state. 18 times – the governor was found to be in violation of Indiana’s public access records law.

• From redacting sensitive information surrounding the cancelled public relations contract with Porter Novelli to ignoring records requests, Mike Pence has deliberately withheld information from Hoosiers.

• This negligence is probably why Indiana received an “F” rating last year by the Center for Public Integrity on this issue alone.

• Hoosiers, enough is enough. Indiana deserves better than Mike Pence and Statehouse Republicans leading our state.

• We must come together and make sure we elect John Gregg Governor, that we elect Baron Hill to the US Senate – people who will unite and improve the lives of all Hoosiers across Indiana – and we must return Glenda Ritz to the Superintendent’s office in 2016.

• Until that time comes, Democrats in Indiana will continue to talk about ways in which we can do better for Indiana’s economy, for our infrastructure, our education system, and for the overall well-being of Hoosiers.

• Thank you for listening.

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