Bernie Heading to South Bend and Ft. Wayne
BURLINGTON, Vt. — U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Sunday will travel to Indiana. The Democratic Party presidential candidate will host rallies in South Bend and Fort Wayne. Sanders will discuss a wide range of issues, including getting big money out of politics, his plan to make public colleges and universities tuition-free, combating climate change and ensuring universal health care.
Sunday May 1
Doors Open at 4 p.m. A Future to Believe In South Bend Rally, The Century Center, 120 S Saint Joseph St, South Bend
Information for the public: This event is free and open to the public, but RSVPs are strongly encouraged. Admission is first come, first served. For security reasons, please do not bring bags and limit what you bring to small, personal items like keys and cell phones. Weapons, sharp objects, chairs, and signs or banners on sticks will not be allowed through security. Free parking available on-site.
Monday May 2
Doors Open at 11:30 a.m. A Future to Believe in Fort Wayne GOTV Rally, Hilliard Gates Athletic Center Gymnasium at Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne, 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne
Information for the public: This event is free and open to the public, but RSVPs are strongly encouraged. Admission is first come, first served. General admission entrance located at east doors of Hilliard Gates Sports Center. For security reasons, please do not bring bags and limit what you bring to small, personal items like keys and cell phones. Weapons, sharp objects, chairs, and signs or banners on sticks will not be allowed through security. On-campus parking in parking garage 3 is available, but limited. Public transportation is available via the following public bus lines: Line #4, Stop: Ivy Tech North Campus, South of Dean Drive; Line #3, Stop: IPFW Walb Union; Line #98, Stop: Ivy Tech North Campus, South of Dean Drive.
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