Mark Hinton 1-16-18 Weekly Radio Address Podcast
Democratic State Representative Candidate Mark Hinton and his 1-16-18 weekly radio address podcast.
My name is Mark Hinton and I am a Democratic Candidate for Indiana House District 39 out of Carmel. Today I wanted to share with you what is at stake in this year’s election. What this election is really about and why it is so important.
This election is about the future direction we are going to take not only in Indiana. But, in Washington and throughout our Counties, our Cities and even our townships. We are faced with tough decisions about the issues and what approaches we must take to ensure that future generations have the same opportunities that past ones have enjoyed.
This election is about the future of education. Whether that future will be defined by all affected parties like educators, parents, students as well as the communities they will enter. Or whether we will turn it over to private companies whose main objective is to turn a profit. Teachers and parents have spent their adult lives in selflessly giving to make sure that our children have good educations and a bright future. Their input and voices are critical if we are going to move education forward and prepare future generations of Hoosiers for 21st Century Jobs.
This election is about what image our state is going to to portray to the rest of the country. Are we going to continue to promote divisive social stances that play upon our emotions? Or are we going to promote our diversity, hospitality, inclusiveness and sense of community?
Are we going to be proactive in making sure that as our population ages……we have services and programs available to allow seniors to stay in their homes, and are protected against predatory companies that try to take their savings? Are we going to invest in programs and agencies that protect seniors who may be in dangerous situations?
Are we finally….once and for all…..going to ensure that children referred to our protective services receive the service they deserve?
These issues and several more are the ones we are faced with. The direction we choose says everything about what Hoosiers truly are and the government that they want for their citizens
If your as concerned about these issues as I am, I invite you to join me. Visit my website at Like and follow our facebook page and follow me on twitter for updates. Reach out to me and tell me what issues are important to you. Together, we can make a bright future for all Hoosiers.
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