Indiana Democratic Party 7-21-18 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Indiana Democratic Party 7-21-18 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

Chairman John Zody and the Indiana Democratic Party 7-21-18 Weekly Radio Address Podcast:

Simply expecting Republicans to invest in Pre-K and public education has left us with a large percentage of Hoosier kids without opportunity.


This is Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.

On Friday, I had a great conversation with Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. We found some real common ground as we discussed education and pre-K, as well as working to address the issue of wages and income inequality.

Though we are miles apart, 2+2=4 anywhere you go.The fact is, having an early start to learning at four years old makes a world of difference.

Simply expecting Republicans to invest in Pre-K and public education has left us with a large percentage of Hoosier kids without opportunity. We have already seen our battles at the Statehouse and in Washington over petty differences in large part leave vulnerable children as collateral damage. This isn’t an election year we can afford to sit out, if we want real change.

We know that Indiana’s children are at a competitive disadvantage when we take away or don’t fully support programs that stimulate their young minds and shape their futures. Education is a building block of our society because it lays the foundation for a kid to be curious, be a critical problem solver and later contribute to our community.

The sooner we can invest in our young people, the further they will go in life. That is true here in the Midwest, New England and anywhere across the country.

Elected officials in our local and state races will set the tone for our kids educational attainment levels, and their chance at success in whatever they choose in life.

This is why electing more Hoosier Dems to take back seats at the State House is critical this November. As Hoosiers, we need leaders who have our best interests at heart and will take our state in the right direction when it comes to early childhood education and so much more.

Want to help make a difference? Volunteer for a candidate running for the state legislature. Sign up at and we’ll get you plugged in.

Please follow the IDP on Facebook and Twitter. Simply search INDems – that’s I-N-D-E-M-S on Facebook and Twitter, and follow us to get the latest news about our candidates and what we’re doing to hold our counterparts at the Statehouse and in Washington accountable.

Only together can we fight for fairness, a brighter future and better state for Hoosiers of all walks of life to succeed in working and raising a family.

Thank you for listening.



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