Indiana Democratic Party 3-2-19 Weekly Radio Address Podcast
Chairman John Zody and the 3-2-19 Indiana Democratic Party Weekly Radio Address Podcast:
This Chairman John Zody, bringing you the weekly podcast for the Indiana Democratic Party.
This week, the Statehouse budget was voted on and if we’re being honest: it is defined by what’s not in it.
Let’s make something perfectly clear: there’s no specific teacher pay raise in this budget. Not one line-item. If teachers were expecting a significant bump in their paycheck from Holcomb and House Republicans, it’s not coming.
If the GOP wanted to give teachers a raise, they could. They just chose not to. There’s enough policy horsepower to find a legislative way, there’s just no will. Gov. Holcomb’s ‘next level’ agenda is leaving teachers behind.
How far are our schools being left behind? A decade, andit’s ridiculous. Facts are facts. Adjusted for inflation, funding per pupil was higher in 2009 than in this budget. Students ten years ago were better off than they are today.We’re not talking about more funding, we’ve never even gotten back to even.
But let’s unpack what that really means for our state. Theirlong-touted fiscal conservatism is a cover for Republicans to tighten their grip on taxpayer dollars towards funding necessary programs and departments. It’s why teachers won’t see a raise and expanding universal preschool will have to wait. Haven’t they learned from past lessons?
Republicans’ indifference is already costing taxpayers in the long run. Republicans criminally underinvested and IGNORED vulnerable children at the Dept. of Child Services for years.
This budget adds nearly $300M/year to DCS in an effort to right their negligence. That number would likely be significantly lower had we invested earlier.
If you think underinvesting in preschool or K–12 education won’t have long-term costs to taxpayers, you’re ignoring the obvious.
We are living under a complacent General Assembly and our children’s future and later workforce will pay the consequences, literally. While the GOP keeps blocking 21st century efforts to modernize our schools and addresshow the cost of living in 2009 doesn’t compare to that of 2019, Hoosier Democrats will keep fighting for a higher quality of life.
We have to continue fighting for a strong early childhood and public education system in our state as well. Only then can we all succeed. The budget is a glaring reminder of priorities, and since the GOP has lost sight of what is important, we will have to remind them with our votes on Election Day.
I’m optimistic of what can happen in our state. We just need everyone to help us get there, including you. You can get involved with the Party at
Also, please follow the IDP on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Simply search INDems – that’s I-N-D-E-M-S on those social media platforms, and follow us to get the latest news about our candidates and what we’re doing to hold our counterparts at the Statehouse and in Washington accountable.
Thank you for listening.
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