Posts From George Edwards

Indiana 1 Comment

Noblesville Free Speech Suppression

Ademo Freeman and Brian Sumner are police accountability activists who came through Indiana. Their goal is to keep police accountable by filming them whenever possible. One of their activism activities includes This Week! 01/19/2016

This week in “ this week” George took to the mic for the first time, live, and chatted about Steve Avery’s trial. The ever talented Jordan Maly came in and

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Steve Avery's Justice System

It is very possible Steven Avery killed Teresa Halbeck. These are unpopular words to hear but they should be explored. And they have been. By the Manitowac police department. What

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5 Tips for Uber Drivers in Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Bloomington

Being an Uber Driver can be frustrating in smaller cities. While it can be lucrative if you do a little planning, much of the time really good fares are dumb

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Why We Love Star Wars

The Star War prequels were very high-grossing but much maligned films. Growing up watching them I didn’t know enough about the prequels to realize I should hate them. It is

Indiana 0 Comments

Hoosier Politician’s Unhealthy Relationship with Big Tobacco

It’s okay to have fun. But when you’re having too much fun legislators take notice. That’s what happened when young Indiana upstarts decided to mix a bit of nicotine, propylene