
Indiana 0 Comments

Just Let Me Teach 4-6-16 Podcast

The great conversation that is public education continues as Justin welcomes state representative candidates Kim Fidler, Jim Grimes and Jorge Fernandez along with public education activist and blogger Steven Singer.

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Just Let Me Teach 3-30-16 Podcast

The great conversation that is public education continues with “Broken Pencils” host Tim Slekar.

Johnnystir 0 Comments

Pence Announces Naming of I-69 Extension to Honor Scalia

From our friend Jon Easter: Pence Announces Naming of I-69 Extension to Honor Scalia Governor Mike Pence announced late Thursday that he would be signing an executive order naming the

Indiana 0 Comments

Evan Bayh endorses Baron Hill in U.S. Senate race

(Indianapolis) — Former U.S. Senator and Governor Evan Bayh today released the following statement endorsing Baron Hill to serve as the next U.S. Senator from the State of Indiana: “I’ve

Indiana 0 Comments

Sanders Statement on Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association

APPLETON, Wis. – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday issued the following statement after a 4-4 split decision by the Supreme Court left in place a lower court ruling allowing

Indiana 0 Comments

Baron Hill: Stutzman budget proposal wrong path forward for Indiana

U.S. Senate candidate blasts Stutzman’s budget as out of touch (Indianapolis) — U.S. Senate candidate Baron Hill released the following statement after tea party Congressman Marlin Stutzman unveiled a new

Indiana 1 Comment

Gordon Hendry Must Resign From The Indiana State Board of Education

First, we would like to congratulate Jennifer Wagner on her new position as Vice President of Communications for the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice.  With that being said, the next

Podcasts 0 Comments

The Gary Snyder Show 3-21-16 Podcast

Gary brings his cynical and biting sarcasm to Indiana Talks weekdays from 3-4p as he welcomes Indiana House Minority Leader Scott Pelath and 2nd CD Democratic candidate Lynn Coleman to the

Podcasts 0 Comments

Indiana Democratic Party 3-19-16 Weekly Radio Address Podcast

If you missed Chairman John Zody’s Indiana Democratic Party weekly radio address this weekend, here is the podcast:  “In Gov. Pence’s opinion, this year’s session of the General Assembly was

Indiana 0 Comments

Indiana House Democrats Made Strides In 2016 Legislative Session

INDIANAPOLIS — The column below from Indiana House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath was issued by the Media Relations Office at the Statehouse: At a time when Americans decry the national