Joe Hauptmann, 3-time former state chair of the Libertarian Party of Indiana endorsed Gary Snyder for State Senate

Joe Hauptmann, 3-time former state chair of the Libertarian Party of Indiana endorsed Gary Snyder for State Senate

Government is too big, too expensive and too intrusive and it is only getting worse. The battle to curb the behemoth is fought by courageous men and women in all the political parties. Gary Snyder is just such a man. He is the rare Democrat willing to campaign on issues of government overreach and favoritism. Although I have run both as a Republican and a Libertarian, in my over 40 years of political activism I have never run as or endorsed a Democrat before. This year Gary Snyder and the campaign he has run has caused me to change that position. As a Libertarian I believe in a smaller and less intrusive government. I believe in a government responsive to the electorate and not special interests or party bosses. I believe that in this race Gary Snyder is not just the lesser of two evils but actually is in step with my own beliefs. I am proud to endorse Gary Snyder in his run for the Indiana State Senate.

Joe Hauptmann, 3-time former state chair of the Libertarian Party of Indiana

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